10 Nov 2005

Industrial action threatened against Fiji government

9:11 am on 10 November 2005

The Fiji Islands Council of Trade Unions is threatening strike action against the government.

Fiji TV reports that the industrial action would follow unless the government agrees to pay both the Cost of Living Adjustment awarded last month and payments due under the Performance Management System agreed to, two years ago.

Major public sector unions such as the Public Employees Union, the Fijian Teachers Association and the Viti National Union of Taukei Workers are affiliates of the Council of Trade Unions.

The Council general secretary, Attar Singh, says the government entered into a legally binding agreement with their affiliates two years ago to make payments under the Performance Management System for which 90 per cent of their members have qualified.

Mr Singh says after the permanent arbitrator's award of a Cost of Living Adjustment last month, their members have become entitled to both.

He says it's the government's job to find the money to make both payments by the end of this month, otherwise industrial action before Christmas is a serious option.