5 Jul 2005

French Polynesian opposition accuses President of being a liar

5:46 pm on 5 July 2005

The French Polynesian opposition has attacked President Oscar Temaru by calling him a liar.

The Tahoeraa Huiraatira issued a statement, saying that Mr Temaru is telling a lie with his claim that the Tahoeraa will be back in power in a month.

The party says Mr Temaru told the Tahitian language television service that the opposition leader, Gaston Flosse, had annnounced his return to power in a month when he addressed a thousand supporters at autonomy day celebrations in Pirae.

The Tahoeraa says there is no truth in the claim and none of those present nor the media has heard Mr Flosse make such a comment.

The statement says Mr Temaru's comment is an attempt to overcome differences within the ranks of his coalition.