4 Jun 2005

Vanuatu PM to make amendment bill to law on freedom of movement

7:28 am on 4 June 2005

Vanuatu's Prime Minister, Ham Lini, has told the Port Vila town Council of Chiefs that he'll make an amendment bill to the present law on the freedom of movement of people to be tabled in the next sitting of parliament later this year.

Ham Lini made the statement to support a recommendation made by the ombudsman, Mr Peter Taurakoto, for the government to consider amending the law after a former prisoner knifed a Chinese trader to death and critically wounded his sister.

In an emergency meeting with the prime minister, the chiefs told him to deport the mastermind of the killing if he or she is a foreigner.

Acting Police Commissioner Arthur Caulton said the motive of the killing wasn't business related.

Police have arrested two suspects and appeal to community leaders to control their people.

This is the second killing of a Chinese trader after a Chinese couple were murdered last year.