15 Jul 2004

Church leaders say global warming is the Pacific's most serious problem

10:22 am on 15 July 2004

Pacific church leaders say climate change is more deadly than HIV/Aids.

They have voted by a clear majority at a meeting in Fiji to establish global warming as their number one priority.

The decision flies in the face of recent warnings from Australia and the UN that the Pacific is threatened by explosive growth in cases of HIV/Aids.

The president of the Fiji council of churches, Father Api Meleki, says the message of the Pacific church to the world, shall be a warning on climate change:

"They will prepare that for the central committee of the World Council of Churches. There was a clear indication that a majority of the church leaders in the Pacific, they'd prefer to take the climate change, as the number one problem."


IN:......They will prepare

OUT:...number one problem


Father Meleki says Pacific church leaders want to use the world stage to raise the plight of Tuvalu and Kiribati, which are threatened by rising sea levels.