8 Jul 2004

Fiji treason trial adjourned for sick lawyer

3:40 pm on 8 July 2004

The treason trial of Fiji's vice-president and five others has been adjourned indefinitely.

Justice Nazhat Shameem adjourned the trial after a defence lawyer for two of the accused, Serupepeli Naqase, sent in a medical certificate saying he needed six days sick leave.

This is the second time the treason trial has had to be adjourned because of Mr Naqase's illness, the first being last Thursday.

It may resume next week.

In the court are the vice-president, Ratu Jope Seniloli, the deputy speaker of parliament, Ratu Rakuita Vakalabure, the sports minister Isireli Leweniqila, Lt Col Viliame Volavola, nationalist Viliame Savu and Peceli Rinakama.

They have been charged with taking an illegal oath to commit a capital offence for being sworn into George Speight's rebel administration.