28 Jan 2004

Fiji information minister declines comment on coup probe claim

12:21 pm on 28 January 2004

Fiji's information minister, Simione Kaitani, has declined to confirm whether he is one of the nine people under police investigation for taking an illegal oath to join George Speight's failed administration during the coup four years ago.

The Fiji Times quotes Mr Kaitani as saying cabinet ministers have been advised against making comments on the issue.

Fiji's vice-president Ratu Jope Seniloli, the sports minister Isireli Leweniqila and the deputy speaker of parliament, Ratu Rakuita Vakalalabure, have already been charged.

They will reappear in the high court next month for taking an illegal oath to commit a capital offence and another charge of engaging in as seditious enterprise.

The police spokesman, Mesake Koroi, says they have yet to receive any new information on the coup although their files are still open..

He has appealed to the public to come forward if they have any credible information which will help in the investigations.