The Suva Chamber of Commerce says it wants to see more done to help people feel secure in the face of increased violence.
The attorney general, Qoroniasi Bale, admitted in parliament that the government is embarrassed by the incidence of such crimes which have been attracting increasing concern.
The President of Suva's Chamber of Commerce, Dr Nur Bano Ali, the crime will unsettle people doing or thinking of doing business in Fiji:
"Well it will bother people yes.....As I said, any kind of robbery with violence and assault and things like that, will bother you. You won't want to come there, you know. ....Fiji is not unique to that, if I can put it that way. ....Im not defending it, but rather what I'm saying is, this is not good. It will definitely have a negative effect."
The President of Suva's Chamber of Commerce, Dr Nur Bano Ali,