26 Nov 2002

Solomons opposition wants information about unofficial police force

6:49 am on 26 November 2002

The Solomon Islands parliamentary opposition has urged the government to explain the existence of a group called the neutral force.

The opposition leader, Patteson Oti, says the government needs to explain if public funds are being used to pay for the group.

The call comes after the acting police commissioner and the Senior Police Officers Association claimed that the government has paid the force hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The Association also wants to know whether the force has arms illegally.

Mr Oti has called on Solomon Islanders, especially public officers, to speak out and help expose what he describes as evil, bubious and deceptive schemes that have turned some people into millioneaires overnight after the ethnic crisis.

He says unless peole speak up, innocent Solomon Islanders will continue to suffer.