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Upbeat for Tuesday 28 February 2017
Dressing it up
1:45 PM.From spacesuits for films and dresses for Game of Thrones, costumier Chantelle Gerrard has been busy. Now, she, and 30 others are turning their hands to creating both period and modern pieces for… Read more Audio
Warmth and beauty in APO performance
Warm, humourous and delicate is how Peter Hoar describes violinist Chloe Hanslip’s performance of Mozart’s Violin Concerto no. 5 with the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra. But how did the rest of the… Read more Audio
City Players to play The Piano
1:05 PM.Christchurch has a new and unique chamber music ensemble that will perform their first concert at The Piano this week. The City Players combines flute, clarinet, cello and piano, and features some of… Read more Audio