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Upbeat for Monday 31 October 2016
Who knew alpacas were social
1:40 PM.Self-confessed musical adventurers Craig Denham and John Sanders – both members of the pioneering New Zealand world folk jazz group Beyondsemble - are back with their duo group Alpaca Social Club… Read more Audio
Swinging 60
1:20 PM.Life is never dull for Eve de Castro-Robinson. In the past few months she’s created new works while a resident in the UK and New York; worked on a piece for the Aotea Flute Quartet; had a piece… Read more Video, Audio
The final note of a 35 year career
1:00 PM.New Zealand Symphony Orchestra violist Brian Shillito got his first taste of orchestra life in 1974, but it wasn’t until 1981 than he returned. He spent the next 35 years playing and travelling with… Read more Audio