Local musicians Rob Sinclair and Bevan Revell find some strange and heartening beauty in Coronavirus times, as caught in their new Pansousiance album on Rattle Records. William Dart checks it out.
Rob Sinclair, Bevan Revell Photo: Louise McDonald, Rattle Records
Steve Garden and Rattle Records have been keeping an ear on our country’s musical landscape for 30 years now – catching it on a succession of artfully produced and presented CDs. These are objects that you’ll want to hold, open up and eventually keep on a shelf alongside your favourite books.
Photo: Rattle Records
It’s been a real pleasure over the last few weeks living with a new Rattle album titled Pansousiance.
OK, it’s a word that you’re not going to find in any dictionary, on- or offline. But, if we take insouciance as meaning “light-hearted unconcern” or “nonchalance”, "pansousiance" could be quite the opposite, creating the image of a vast society that’s anything but unconcerned. Imagine it as a massive love-in in the best and purest sense of that concept.
Rob Sinclair and Bevan Revell don’t really explain the meaning of their album’s title, but, again, why should they bring the crunch of cruel reality to a set of tracks that sometimes cries out to let the mystery be.
The pandemic connection is there in the way that this music was built up during last year’s lockdown and Rattle’s press release goes so far as to describe its introspective spirit as being intended to evoke the familiar imagery of our post-pandemic world, touching on some of the many challenges that artists face as they negotiate increasingly uncertainty.
Music Details
ARTIST: Tony Yan-Tong Chen
TITLE: Piano Sonata No 7 in Bb Op 83 (2)
ALBUM: Homecoming
COMPOSER: Prokofiev
LABEL: Rattle
ARTIST: Justin DeHart
TITLE: Landfall
ALBUM: Landfall
LABEL: Rattle
ARTIST: Rob Sinclair, Bevan Revell
TITLE: From where she came?
ALBUM: Pansousiance
COMPOSER: Sinclair, Revell
LABEL: Rattle
ARTIST: Shtung
TITLE: The Sleep Early in Cologne
ALBUM: Shtung
LABEL: Polydor
ARTIST: 3 Voices
TITLE: No Story
ALBUM: 3 Voices
COMPOSER: Sinclair
LABEL: Unsung
ARTIST: Rob Sinclair, Bevan Revell
TITLE: Selling Mustard Seed
ALBUM: Pansousiance
COMPOSER: Sinclair, Revell
LABEL: Rattle
ARTIST: Rob Sinclair, Bevan Revell
TITLE: Panspecial Transmission
ALBUM: Pansousiance
COMPOSER: Sinclair, Revell
LABEL: Rattle
ARTIST: Rob Sinclair, Bevan Revell
TITLE: Lockdown
ALBUM: Pansousiance
COMPOSER: Sinclair, Revell
LABEL: Rattle
ARTIST: Rob Sinclair, Bevan Revell
TITLE: Poison Pigeons
ALBUM: Pansousiance
LABEL: Rattle
ARTIST: Rob Sinclair, Bevan Revell
TITLE: Weshable Pok Dum Blean
ALBUM: Pansousiance
COMPOSER: Sinclair
LABEL: Rattle
ARTIST: Rob Sinclair, Bevan Revell
TITLE: Dirty Rat Lodger
ALBUM: Pansousiance
COMPOSER: Sinclair, Revell
LABEL: Rattle
ARTIST: Rob Sinclair, Bevan Revell
TITLE: Isa Lei
ALBUM: Pansousiance
LABEL: Rattle