24 Oct 2020

Eve de CASTRO-ROBINSON: Chaos of Delight IV

From Music Alive, 8:02 pm on 24 October 2020

Performed by flutist Luca Manghi and bassoonist Ben Hoadley at the Auckland Arts Festival concert, 'Clarion', 16 March 2020.

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Luca Manghi, Ben Hoadley, Eve de Castro-Robinson

Luca Manghi, Ben Hoadley, Eve de Castro-Robinson Photo: RNZ/Tim Dodd

Eve de Castro-Robinson writes:

"Chaos of Delight IV continues my series of works inspired by NZ birdsong (Chaos of Delight I for bass clarinet, Chaos of Delight II for soprano, Chaos of Delight III for women's voices) and in this case is a short, theatrical duo written especially for the talents of my colleagues Luca Manghi and Ben Hoadley. Some more recognizable birdcalls are: the thrush calls played by piccolo; the Paradise Duck in the bassoon; the Kokako played by both in unison and the Little Blue Penguin in the fluttertongued bassoon."

Recorded by RNZ Concert in the Auckland Arts Festival's Spiegeltent, 16 March 2020
Producer: Tim Dodd; Engineer: Adrian Hollay