12 Aug 2017

John ADAMS: Short Ride in a Fast Machine

From Music Alive, 7:30 pm on 12 August 2017

Maserati Photo: CC BY-SA 2.0

American composer John Adams, celebrating his 70th birthday in 2017, is a personal friend of the NZSO's Music Director Edo de Waart.  Their collaborations date back 40 years to de Waart's San Francisco SO days, and de Waart has conducted several of John Adams' premières.

'Short Ride in a Fast Machine' is an ideal concert opener and its title tells us what to expect! 

John Adams says its like "when someone asks you to ride in a terrific sports car, and then you wish you hadn't."

Minimalist and entirely consonant, the work nevertheless generates an exhilarating sense of an energetic and powerful journey.

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NZ Symphony Orchestra conducted by Edo de Waart.


Recorded 12 August 2017, Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington by RNZ Concert.

Producer: David McCaw

Engineer: Graham Kennedy