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Deutsche Welle Festival: National Youth Orchestra of Germany

Celebrating its 50 years, the National Youth Orchestra of Germany presents a visionary century-old piece by Edgard Varèse and Richard Strauss's musical metaphor for climbing to the summit – both works befitting this energetic group and the occasion.

National Youth Orchestra of Germany

National Youth Orchestra of Germany Photo: Deutsche Welle

The stage of the Cologne Philharmonie is spacious but for this concert, it's filled to nearly bursting capacity, with 175 musicians onstage: a hundred five of them current members of the National Youth Orchestra of Germany, all ages fourteen to nineteen, and the other seventy are former members, estimated ages twenty to seventy-five.


VARÈSE: Amériques for orchestra;

STRAUSS: An Alpine Symphony Op 64;

RABIH ABU KHALIL: Once upon a Dervish;

HARTMANN: Symphony Number Four for Strings (1) 

National Youth Orchestra of Germany conducted by Ingo Metzmacher 

Recorded in the Cologne Philharmonie, Cologne (Deutsche Welle)