21 Nov 2021

Hymns on Sunday, 21 November 2021

From Hymns on Sunday, 4:15 am on 21 November 2021

Hymns to celebrate Christ the King Sunday in this week’s programme, as well as St Clement’s Day and the hymn writer Isaac Watts.

Lyttelton Community Church

Lyttelton Community Church Photo: Robyn Jaquiery


Artist: Choir of Westminster Abbey, James O’Donnell (dir), Robert Quinney (organ)
Words/Music: C Wesley/Handel
Recording: Hyperion 712801

Rejoice, the lord is king!
Your lord and king adore;
Mortals give thanks and sing,
And triumph evermore;
Lift up your heart,
Lift up your voice;
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!

Jesus, the Saviour, reigns,
The God of truth and love;
When he had purged our stains,
He took his seat above;
Lift up your heart,
Lift up your voice;
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!

His kingdom cannot fail,
He rules o’er earth and heav’n;
The keys of death and hell
Are to our Jesus giv’n;
Lift up your heart,
Lift up your voice;
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!

He sits at God’s right hand
Till all his foes submit,
And bow to his command,
And fall beneath his feet:
Lift up your heart,
Lift up your voice;
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!


Artist: Choir of Yorkminster Park Baptist Church, Catherine Palmer (dir), Ronald Jordan (organ)
Words/Music: Bridges, Thring/Elvey
Recording: Marquis 1811175

Crown him with many crowns,
the lamb upon his throne.
Hark! how the heavenly anthem drowns
all music but its own.
Awake, my soul, and sing
of him who died for thee,
and hail him as thy chosen king
through all eternity.

Crown him the Lord of life,
who triumphed o’er the grave,
who rose victorious in the strife
for those he came to save;
His glories now we sing
who died, and rose on high;
who died eternal life to bring;
and lives that death may die.

Crown him the Lord of heav'n,
Enthroned in worlds above;
Crown him the King to whom is giv'n
The wondrous name of Love.
All hail, redeemer, hail!
For thou has died for me;
Thy praise will never ever fail
throughout eternity.


Artist: Choir of the King’s School, Canterbury,
Words/Music: Collins/Trad
Recording: Priory PRCD 716

Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All,
Hear me, blest Savior, when I call;
Hear me, and from Thy dwelling-place
Pour down the riches of Thy grace:

Jesus, my Lord, I Thee adore;
O make me love Thee more and more.

Jesus, what didst Thou find in me
That thou hast dealt so lovingly?
How great the joy that Thou hast brought,
So far exceeding hope or thought!

Jesus, of Thee shall be my song;
To Thee my heart and soul belong:
All that I have or am is Thine;
And Thou, blest Savior, Thou art mine.


Artist: Choir of St Mary’s Episcopal Church, Edinburgh
Words/Music: Anon trans Byrne, versified Hull/Trad
Recording: Priory PRCD 376

Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart;
be all else but naught to me, save that thou art;
be thou my best thought in the day and the night,
waking or sleeping, thy presence my light.

Be thou my wisdom, be thou my true word;
be thou ever with me, and I with thee, Lord;
be thou my great Father: and I thy true son;
be thou in me dwelling, and I with thee one.

Be thou my breastplate, my sword for the fight;
be thou my whole armour, thou my true might,
be thou my soul's shelter, be thou my high tower:
O raise thou me heavenward, great power of my power.

Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise
be thou mine inheritance now and always
be thou and thou only, the first in my heart
O Sovereign of Heaven, my treasure thou art.

High King of Heaven, thou Heaven’s bright sun!
O grant me its joys after victory is won,
great heart of my own heart whatever befall,
still be thou my vision, O ruler of all.


Artist: St Chad’s Cathedral Choir, David Saint (dir), Nigel Morris (organ)
Words/Music: Herbert/Trad arr Sandys
Recording: Priory PRCD 723

Teach me, my God and King,
in all things thee to see;
and what I do in anything
to do it as for thee!

A man that looks on glass,
on it may stay his eye:
or if he pleaseth, through it pas,
and then the heaven espy.

All may of thee partake;
nothing can be so mean,
which with the tincture, ‘for thy sake’,
will not grow bright and clean.

A servant with this clause
makes drudgery diving;
who sweeps a room, as for thy laws,
makes that and the action fine.

This is the famous stone
that turneth all to gold:
For that which God doth touch and own
cannot for less be told.


Artist: Convivium Singers, Eamonn Dougan (dir)
Words/Music: Psalm 23/Rizza
Recording: Convivium Records CR022

[Lyrics not available]


Artist: Choir of St Clement’s Church, Philadelphia, Peter Conte (dir), Matthew Glandorf (organ)
Words/Music: Bode/Ferguson
Recording: Dorian 790259

O Jesus, I have promised to serve thee to the end;
be thou forever near me, my Master and my friend;
I shall not fear the battle if thou art by my side,
nor wander from the pathway if thou wilt be my guide.

O let me hear thee speaking in accents clear and still,
above the storms of passion, the murmurs of self-will;
O speak to reassure me, to hasten or control;
O speak, and make me listen, thou guardian of my soul.

O Jesus, Thou hast promised to all who follow Thee
That where Thou art in glory there shall Thy servant be;
And Jesus, I have promised to serve Thee to the end
Oh, give me grace to follow, my Master and my Friend.


Artist: Cambridge Singers, John Scott (organ), John Rutter (dir)
Words/Music: Watts/Miller
Recording: Collegium 880126

When I survey the wondrous cross
on which the Prince of glory died,
my richest gain I count but loss,
and pour contempt on all my pride.

Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast
save in the death of Christ, my God!
All the vain things that charm me most,
I sacrifice them through his blood.

See, from his head, his hands, his feet,
sorrow and love flow mingled down.
Did e'er such love and sorrow meet,
or thorns compose so rich a crown?

His dying crimson, like a robe,
spreads o'er his body on the tree;
then am I dead to all the globe,
and all the globe is dead to me.

Were the whole realm of nature mine,
that were a present far too small.
Love so amazing, so divine,
demands my soul, my life, my all.

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