The leader of Libya's National Transitional Council, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, says the opposition leadership will move from its present seat in the city of Benghazi to the capital, Tripoli, next week.
He was speaking at the airport in Benghazi, where he received a formal red carpet welcome on his return from a conference on Libya.
Members of the opposition leadership, military officers and tribal leaders lined up to congratulate him on securing a commitment to continued NATO support and the unfreezing of a third of Libya's assets.
MrJalil then announced that he would be moving to Tripoli, along with the rest of the opposition leadership, some time next week.
The BBC reports that's the moment when the opposition will probably declare itself the new government.
The authorities have urged groups of anti-Gaddafi gunmen patrolling Tripoli to go home, as they try to restore normality in the capital.
In other parts of the country loyalists to Muammar Gaddafi are continuing to fight.
Colonel Gaddafi's whereabouts are still unknown, with rumours saying he could be in any of the three places still loyal to him.