Japanese carmaker Toyota has reported a drop in its quarterly net profit of 99%, reflecting the impact of the March earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
Net profit for the three months to the end of June fell to 1.1bn yen from 190.4bn yen in 2010.
The BBC points out that Toyota was hit by a shortage of parts around the world due to the damage caused to Japan's supply chain by the natural disasters.
Despite falling first quarter sales, Toyota has increased its forecast for full-year sales and profits.
It said it was recovering from the tsunami faster than expected, and raised its full-year forecast for net profit from 280bn yen to 390bn yen.
Toyota also raised its forecast for full-year sales from 7.2 million to 7.6 million vehicles.
It is hiring as many as 4,000 temporary workers in Japan to help it make up for lost production.
In addition to the disruption caused by March's tsunami, Toyota has also been hit by the strength of the yen.