The system to cool the nuclear reactor and fuel pool has stopped at the number five unit of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi power plant in northeastern Japan.
The Tokyo Electric Power Company says it has started work to repair the cooling facility and hopes to restore the system within several hours.
It said the breakdown of the cooling systems would not lead to a rapid rise in temperatures at the reactor and spent fuel pool.
The Fukushima Daiichi plant's number one to four reactors were severely damaged after the 11 March earthquake and tsunami, while damage at the number five and number six reactors was less severe.
Plant not ready for typhoon
The BBC reports that TEPCO officials have admitted that the plant is not fully prepared for heavy rain and winds of a typhoon heading towards Japan.
Tepco said some reactor buildings were uncovered, prompting fears the storm may carry radioactive material into the air and sea.
Typhoon Songda is expected to hit Japan as early as Monday.