15 May 2010

No fraud found in Iraq election, say officials

8:22 am on 15 May 2010

An Iraqi election official says a recount of 2.5 million votes cast in Baghdad in Iraq's election on 7 March has been completed and no fraud was found.

Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's predominantly Shi'ite electoral coalition demanded the recount of votes cast in Baghdad, alleging fraud.

Mr Maliki's grouping came second in the election, two seats behind a cross-sectarian bloc led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, a secular Shi'ite.

A spokesman for the Independent High Electoral Commission says the results of the recount will be made public next week.

The results of the recount, which began on 3 May, will be made public on Monday, an Independent High Electoral Commission spokesman said.