23 Aug 2011

Ngapuhi appeal to Tribunal over mandate process

6:34 am on 23 August 2011

Ngapuhi hapu opposed to early settlement of the Treaty of Waitangi claims are appealing to the Waitangi Tribunal to investigate.

The Ngapuhi-runanga-led board, Tuhoronuku, is holding hui around the country seeking the mandate to negotiate with the Crown.

But the opposing hapu alliance, Te Kotahitanga, wants the Ngapuhi land claims heard first, and says Tuhoronuku does not fairly represent them.

Te Kotahitanga has filed for an urgent hearing by the Waitangi Tribunal, claiming the Crown has breached its own settlement policy.

It accuses the government of endorsing the internecine conflict that now exists within Ngapuhi by supporting the runanga board and its mandate strategy.

Te Kotahitanga says the Crown is aware there's significant opposition to Tuhoronuku but continues to fund it to seek a mandate.

It says the Crown's over-riding concern is to settle Treaty claims by 2014 and is trying to railroad the Ngapuhi claimants and fast track their claims to achieve that.