The Maori Party has nudged the Government to improve the state of roads in rural, mostly Maori communities.
In Parliament's question time on Thursday, MP Te Ururoa Flavell asked if the Government supports an assessment of roads, made by the Maori Party's candidate for Te Tairawhiti, Na Raihania.
Mr Raihania has characterised several East Coast routes as shocking, extreme, and dangerous.
Associate Transport Minister Nathan Guy doesn't agree.
He said the Government's investing millions of dollars in the Maraenui Hill deviation on State Highway 35, and has spent lots of money on the Busy Hill realignment - with both making a huge difference for the Gisborne region.
Mr Guy didn't respond to an invitation to see the roads for himself, along with the Maori Party, the mayor of Gisborne and the Chair of Te Runanga o Ngati Porou.