18 Aug 2011

Call for hui to be open to media

8:55 am on 18 August 2011

A Ngapuhi hapu opposed to early settlement of their Treaty claims say a series of mandating hui should be open to news media.

The runanga-led board Tuhoronuku is seeking approval to settle the Ngapuhi claim, with a series of hui starting in Auckland on Friday.

It's not clear at this stage if reporters will be allowed in.

Te Kotahitanga hapu alliance has been rallying opposition in Auckland this week and wants speaking time at the mandating hui to state its case.

It believes the runanga-led board does not fairly represent the hapu and that all claims should be heard before negotiations start.

Spokesman Pita Tipene says the Kotahitanga hui were all open to reporters and broadcast 'live' on iwi radio.

He says Tuhoronuku's hui should also be a matter of public record.

Tuhoronuku's first mandating hui is at 12.30pm on Friday at the Avondale community centre.