Veteran broadcaster Derek Fox fears revelations a Television New Zealand Maori executive facilitated Labour Party business has tarnished the reputation of Maori broadcasters.
The general manager of Maori and Pacific programming, Shane Taurima, has resigned after it surfaced that a TVNZ room was used for a Labour Party hui.
Mr Taurima, who unsuccessfully contested the Ikaroa-Rawhiti candidacy for the party, denies his political affiliations have ever influenced editorial decisions.
A pioneer in Maori broadcasting, Derek Fox, says his main concern is that people don't try to use the issue as a whipping horse for Maori people and Maori in broadcasting.
He says revelations of Mr Taurima's ill-judgement has immediately tarnished the reputation of Maori broadcasting, and it's grossly unfair that some staff will feel under suspicion as a result of this.