Maori broadband group chair Antony Royal says not enough te reo Maori content is being designed for the internet and other digital media like smartphones.
The app completely in te reo Maori was launched on on Wednesday, by Victoria University's Education Faculty.
Nga Pu Waea chair Antony Royal. Photo: RNZ
Kura is one of six apps available for iPhones and some smartphones for teaching Maori language.
The chair of Nga Pu Waea (National Maori Broadband Working Group), Antony Royal, says it's good to see Maori utilise modern technology - and it's not done enough.
He says children today have grown up in the digital age, and society isn't going fast enough to cater for them.
Mr Royal says that's because the older generation don't know how to use the technology - but that is slowly changing.
He says getting more Maori into ICT and telecommunication jobs would be a good solution.
The Maori Language Commission says people need to embrace and utilise modern technology as a tool to revitalise te reo Maori.
The 2006 census data shows 157,000 New Zealanders can converse in te reo Maori.
Te Taura Whiri I te Reo Maori chief executive Glenis Philip-Barbara says while it's important to move with the times, digital media should only be part of the push to revitalise te reo Maori.
She says it takes an entire country to work towards revitalising te reo.