A Maori business development organisation says some of the small operators it deals with have decided to use Hong Kong as a gateway into the mainland China market.
The Poutama Trust fosters the growth of Maori-owned businesses and commercial activities and is an apolitical, independent, pan-tribal organisation.
Chief executive Richard Jones said because China is such a vast market with many risks, cottage industries are playing it safe by breaking into Hong Kong first with a plan to move across to the mainland.
He said Poutama has already examined its prospects in China but now considers it would be better to enter as a large group of Maori businesses.
Mr Jones said Hong Kong looks more favourable because it's an affluent market of seven-million people, that is stable, and is already used as an international hub for other foreign companies which are successful there.
Once small Maori business operators have established themselves in Hong Kong and feel confident, then mainland China will be their next step.