30 Jun 2010

Blatter apologises, thinks twice about technology

6:23 am on 30 June 2010

FIFA President Sepp Blatter has apologised to England and Mexico over refereeing errors during their World Cup last 16 matches and, under widespread pressure, he's pledged to review the case for the introduction of goal-line technology.

The blatant errors cost England and Mexico goals in their respective losses to Germany and Argentina England, and were made worse when shown on big screens, but referees can't take into account TV evidence to change their decisions.

But Blatter says only goalline technology would be considered as a means of assisting referees, which would have been no use to Mexico, and wouldn't have affected last November's Thierry Henry handball incident against Ireland which qualified France for South Africa.

Blatter has also said FIFA will unveil a new global plan towards the end of thsi year, aimed at improving refereeing at competitions.