Thousands will be flocking to Feilding for the dairy industry's biggest annual gathering this week.
The sixth New Zealand Dairy Event will run at the Manfeild Park Stadium over the next three days, culminating in the national show of prize winning cattle on Friday.
Event manager Neville Turnbull says the show has drawn a record 350 entries of cows, yearlings and calves from around the country, representing all the dairy breeds in New Zealand.
He says the entries come from as far south as Balclutha up to South Auckland in the north.
Mr Turnball says six dairy breeds are involved in this year's event - holstein friesian, jersey, ayrshire, milking shorthorn, brown swiss and guernsey.
He says youth activities make up a big component of the Dairy Event, and there have been more than 400 entries for competitions ranging from handling classes to a youth challenge.
The event also includes a sale of dairy stock and embryos on Thursday.