8 Jun 2010

Groser tells PM his behaviour on flight not unruly

10:05 pm on 8 June 2010

Prime Minister John Key says Trade Minister Tim Groser does not believe his behaviour on a plane was unruly.

Mr Key says he received a complaint last week about Mr Groser's behaviour on an international flight, and it was taken seriously.

His chief of staff took the matter up with Mr Groser's office, and Mr Key has also spoken to the Minister.

The Prime Minister says Mr Groser acknowledges there was some drinking on the flight but does not think he was unruly.

But Mr Key says Mr Groser would want to apologise if he caused offence or disruption to anyone.

Mr Groser was on a return flight from government business.

Earlier a spokesperson for Mr Key said he found out about the incident through an email from someone who had spoken to another passenger on the flight.