The MMP electoral system is facing change irrespective of the outcome of a referendum to be held at next year's general election.
Justice Minister Simon Power says voters will be asked two questions: firstly, whether they want to retain the present Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) system or not.
Regardless of their response to the first question, they will also be asked to pick their preferred option from a range of other voting systems.
Those options are Preferential Vote, Single Transferable Vote and Supplementary Member, as well as First Past the Post - the voting system used in New Zealand before MMP.
If they vote for change, then a second referendum will be held in 2014 pitting MMP against the most popular alternative electoral system.
However, Mr Power says if MMP gets majority support in next year's referendum some change to the system is likely.
Legislation setting up the referendum will include a mechanism to hold a review into MMP if it is retained, he says.