Energy Minister Gerry Brownlee says a cautious approach will be taken to any new mining on Crown land, including conservation areas.
In his statement to Parliament on Tuesday, Prime Minister John Key repeated the Government's belief that there is extraordinary economic potential in the minerals in land owned by the Crown.
Mr Brownlee says opening more Crown land to prospecting and mining would result in greater economic activity.
A discussion document is be issued on proposed law changes that would allow new mining on Crown land.
Environmental groups describe the mining move as a throw-back to the 'Think Big' era of the 1980s.
Environmental and Conservation Organisations co-chair Cath Wallace, says it's outdated to try to stimulate business by removing environmental regulations.
She says the speech contained no modern thinking about how the economy can be made more sustainable or prosperous through green technology.
Environmental Defence Society chair Gary Taylor says an economy based on mining industries has no long-term future.