Prime Minister John Key says the Green Party's admission that it over-claimed on ministerial housing allowances is a lesson to other parties.
He accepts the party's assurance that it made an honest mistake, saying that it shows the need for greater transparency and how careful political parties have to be when claiming expenses.
Mr Key is continuing however to rule out a review of ministerial housing, questioning what it will achieve.
Two properties owned by trust
The Green Party admitted earlier that two of its MPs had claimed about double the market value for rent on its apartments between February and May this year.
It has since repaid about $6,000 to Parliamentary Services.
The party said it was an honest mistake and not the result of dodgy dealing.
A superannuation trust established by the party owns two properties in Wellington, which are rented to three Green MPs.
One of the houses is shared by Jeanette Fitzsimons and Catherine Delahunty. Co-leader Metiria Turei says expense claims were not sorted out properly when Ms Delahunty moved in.