3 Nov 2011

Wellington CBD pedestrian safety problem not new

5:14 pm on 3 November 2011

A Wellington City Council member says downtown Wellington has always had a pedestrian safety problem.

Eight people have now been hit by buses in Manners Street since layouts were changed and many people are linking the two.

Last year, the council allowed buses to travel through a pedestrian mall in Manners Street to make public transport more efficient.

Another accident on Wednesday has prompted the council to request assessments of both the behaviour of people in the area, and the physical infrastructure.

But councillor Andy Foster says the new road layout is not necessarily the cause of the recent incidents.

Mr Foster says central Wellington has a history of pedestrian accidents with two fatalities on the Golden Mile before the changes and one after.

And councillor Bryan Pepperell said people need to stop using cellphones and iPods when crossing the road. He said the council cannot be wholly responsible for pedestrian safety.