21 Jan 2009

Summer Report: local papers

9:56 am on 21 January 2009

Wednesday's papers: wool industry faces heavy losses as overseas buyers default on payments; latest CPI figures show inflation has eased; Otago DHB chair meets Health Minister on Wednesday.

A picture of Barack Obama dominates the front page of The New Zealand Herald and a columnist sums up the commentary from around the world in the build-up to his inauguration.

Health Minister Tony Ryall has intervened to stop a health conference next month because it's deemed too expensive.

Latest Consumer Price Index figures which show inflation eased in the last quarter.

The Taranaki Daily News reports seven people were hospitalised after a bus crash just south of Mt Messenger on Tuesday.

The Dominion Post features a huge picture of Mr Obama, saying a new era of hope has begun and looking at what he's promised to do.

Scientists are concerned about the effects a rapidly melting Antarctic ice shelf will have on sea levels.

The Press previews the Obama inauguration on a front page dominated by coverage of the return of the bodies of two Air New Zealand engineers from Christchurch who died in the crash of an Airbus A320 in Perpignan.

The head of the Otago District Health Board meets Health Minister Tony Ryall on Wednesday. The Otago Daily Times says rumours are swirling that the chairman will step down over a recent $17 million fraud case which had led to the conviction of the board's former chief information officer and another man.

The Southland Times has reports that the wool industry faces heavy losses as overseas buyers default on payments for wool already bought.