22 Jul 2010

Patients on beds in corridors at Waikato hospital also

8:43 am on 22 July 2010

Another major hospital had to put patients on beds in corridors this week because of high numbers at its emergency department.

North Shore hospital is grappling with overcrowding despite criticism by the Health and Disability Commissioner a year ago about substandard care.

Waikato hospital now says it's inundated with patients as well.

Clinical director John Bonning says the emergency department had its busiest day ever on Monday - 211 patients and they had beds in corridors.

He told Morning Report the number of patients through the ED on a standard day was about 160.

Dr Bonning said the influx was due to seasonal flu, road accidents and a rise in pediatric cases.

He said people with chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes were also tipped over the edge by flu.

A new emergency department at Waikato hospital will open in February.