The Government has recognised the mandate of the entity known as Tuhoronuku to negotiate the settlement of the Ngapuhi Treaty claim.
Ngapuhi is New Zealand's biggest iwi and its many hapu are in the midst of Waitangi Tribunal hearings involving nearly 400 separate claims.
Treaty Negotiations Minister Chris Finlayson announced his acceptance of the Turhoronuku mandate on Friday evening.
The Ngapuhi runanga, which set up the Tuhoronuku board in 2011, claims majority support for negotiations to begin, but it has run into strong opposition from hapu alliance Te Kotahitanga.
A hapu spokesperson, Pita Tipene, says Tuhoronuku must now hold elections for seats on the negotiating body, but if it fails to address hapu concerns the hapu will go to court.
The chair of the runanga and of Tuhoronuku, Sonny Tau, says the acceptance of the mandate marks the dawn of a new era of prosperity for Ngapuhi.