10 Jun 2013

Morning Report: local papers

7:00 am on 10 June 2013

Monday's headlines: Southern district has highest rate of new infections of hepatitis C in NZ; top three real estate agents calculated to be making up to $1.5 million per year; repopulating central Christchurch could be derailed by the costs of building apartment blocks.

NZ Herald

The New Zealand Herald says top real estate agents are making up to $1.5 million per year as they cash in on soaring property prices in Auckland. The paper says the pay was calculated by property commentator Alistair Helm, and is based on the commission rates and recent sales of the top three agents at Barfoot & Thompson.

Waikato Times

The Waikato Times leads with talk of a farming spendup at the annual Mystery Creek Fieldays in Hamilton.

Federated Farmers Waikato president James Houghton said farmers are feeling positive about the coming spring, which could lead to a few rash purchases at the event.

Dominion Post

The Dominion Post devotes its front page to an editorial outlining a six-part series called The Wellington Report which will look at big issues facing the city including population, housing, the economy, employment, governance and infrastructure.

The paper says Wellington is not dying, but neither is everything cool in the city and it's time to do something about it.

The Press

The Press says plans to repopulate central Christchurch could be derailed by the risks and costs of building apartment blocks.

Developer Shaun Stockman said apartments brought in only half the rent of office buildings and were dearer to build.

He said several previous apartment developments, including the Parkbridge complex ended in mortgagee sales, and or bankruptcy.

Police have noticed an increase in complaints from roadworkers who have been on the receiving end of verbal abuse. The paper says speeding through 30km per hour sites continues to be a real problem.


The Otago Daily Times says the southern district has the highest rate of new infections of hepatitis C in the country. The situation has prompted the Southern District Health Board to work on a new plan to tackle the blood-borne virus.

And the Captain Cook Tavern in Dunedin had to close early on Saturday after more than 400 people queued to get in.

The decision to close the student pub at 10pm was made by management. The venue will close for good on Friday after the building's owners issued a notice for it to be vacated.