Forty-three offenders cut off their electronic monitoring anklets while on home detention in the last year.
The issue of criminals escaping from electronic monitoring was highlighted in January when a man charged with child sex offences cut off his anklet and fled the country.
The Sensible Sentencing Trust wants a review of how home detention sentences are awarded and higher penalties for those who breach them.
Violating home detention can attract a sentence of up to a year in prison or fine of $2000.
Sensible Sentencing Trust spokesperson Garth McVicar said those penalties are not high enough.
But prison reformer Peter Williams QC said less than 0.2% of the roughly 24,000 who served home detention, removed their monitoring devices.
Police Association president Greg O'Connor said the numbers need to be kept in context.
The Department of Corrections could not say how many people removed electronic monitoring devices while on bail.