The Panel with Penny Ashton and Stephen Franks (Part 2)
Today in music history Bob Dylan released his debut album. Pro Choice groups are celebrating the passing of the Abortion Legislation Bill last night, which means abortion is now a medical procedure and not in the crimes act. However a proposed protest-free safe zone around clinics didn't make it into the final bill - which has some worried that women will get harassed if they go to an abortion clinic. Facebook's attempts to control fake news around Covid has lead to it also rejecting legitimate news stories. Tech commentator Paul Brislen explains what might have gone wrong. The Flu Vaccination Campaign is launching early this year due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Dr Nikki Turner, Director of the Immunisation Advisory Centre explains why this is vital. Amazon quietly banned Adolf Hitler's manifesto "Mein Kampf" late last week, part of its efforts to remove Nazi and other hate-filled material from its bookstore, before quickly reversing itself.