12 Jun 2019

The Panel with Tayyaba Khan and Andrew Frame (Part 1)

From The Panel, 4:03 pm on 12 June 2019

A 1 News Colmar Brunton poll shows that New Zealanders are still backing the kiwibuild concept but there's been more criticism about the scheme over the fact there is no asset means testin. RNZ has reported that some might earn a low income but have access to hundreds of thousands of dollars, say through intergenertational wealth, and be eligible for a kiwibuild home. The Panellists weigh in. Housing organisations say a refresh of Kiwibuild needs to include options like rent-to-own. Habitat for Humanity has such a scheme, where people rent houses until they can buy outright, using that rent as a deposit. It's called KiwiBuy. Habitat for Humanity chief executive Claire Szabo joins The Panle to discuss how it works. Newsroom has released an investigation into the "uplifting" of babies by Oranga Tamariki. It came with a powerful video, showing such an attempt to remove a newborn Maori baby from its mother in a maternity ward. Today it's been reported the children's agency has gone to the Family Court asking for Newsroom to be ordered to change the story. The Panellists give their view on the situation.