24 Oct 2018

The Panel with Martin Cocker and Victoria Stewart (Part 1)

From The Panel, 4:03 pm on 24 October 2018

National Party leader Simon Bridges has suggested Wellington could be the next city in line for a fuel tax. But the Wellington Mayor has ruled out the possibility. The panelists weigh in on the isssue. Simon Bridges has said renegade MP Jami-Lee Ross is no l onger his problem. It comes as a new poll shows the National has slipped since the drama unfolded, and Mr Bridges has plummeted in the preferred Prime Minister stakes. Political commentator Richard Harman joins The Panel to discuss whether this scandal will continue to hurt the opposition. A muslim journalist has written an opinion piece about whether he should continue to support Hajj in light of what hapened to Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Sources today say body parts of the slain journalist are believed to have found, and are even going so far to say they were foudn in the garden of the Saudi consul general's home. Khashoggi's suspected murder has some questioning support of the country. The panelists discuss whether New Zealand should have been quicker to criticise the Saudis over the scandal. A company that makes alternative milk products out of oats is angering the dairy world. Oatly was taken to court by Sweden's dairy lobby and is now bringing its controversial ad campaign to the UK. It's tagline in "it's like milk, but made for humans'. The panellists weigh in on whether it's worth getting upset over, or if it's a serious threat to dairy companies. Waiheke Island taxi drivers are frustrated with Auckland ride-share drivers coming over on the ferry and stealing fares. It's claimed the Auckland drivers pretend to be locals with signs to that effect. We ask the panelists if they have any solutions to the problem.