13 Nov 2014

The Panel with Lindsey Dawson and Nevil Gibson (Part 1)

From The Panel, 4:07 pm on 13 November 2014

Topics - Phillip John Smith found in a hostel in Brazil with $400, two credit cards, makeup and wigs. He wasn't as smart, thank goodness, as we were being led to believe he was? He could be on a plane back here as early as tomorrow, and what happens then is what we want to discuss with Professor Bill Hodge. As we know the new Cold War is becoming chillier. We mentioned earlier with Zara that A convoy of Russian war ships, including their latest high powered missile cruiser, are cruising international waters to Australia's north, in the Coral Sea, south of Papua New Guinea. Aussie ships have been ordered to crash sail, and we asked why. Law firm Buddle Findlay has been barred by the High Court from acting for two clients within the space of a month. It's because of the firm trying to represent different sides using - we assume - Chinese walls.