16 Oct 2011

Te Ahi Kaa for 16 o Whiringa a rangi (October) 2011

From Te Ahi Kaa , 6:05 pm on 16 October 2011

With the November election fast approaching Maori need to shake up their ideas and get to polling booths whether they are living here or in Australia. Especially given the Referendum on the New Zealand Voting System. That's according to Dr Maria Bargh who presents her findings from a survey of Mozzies (Maori Australians). Combine a witty sense of humour that is very much grounded in being Maori, superb musicianship and you have Tyna Keelan. He kicks back in the studio and shoots the breeze with Maraea Rakuraku. Justine Murray takes in the art at Maori Market 2011.