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Summer Report for Tuesday 13 January 2015
Muslim community in NZ happy here but worried about the future
8:49 AM.The wave of fundamendalist terror attacks in Paris, and the rising power of Islamic State has put an, at times, uncomfortable spotlight on many ordinary Muslim communities just trying to get on with… Read more Audio
Conservationists attempt to set up gannet colony
8:41 AM.An ambitious project has been launched in the Abel Tasman National Park, as conservationists attempt to start a gannet colony there. Audio
AirAsia's divers have recovered black box flight recorder
8:38 AM.Searchers looking for AirAsia wreckage are struggling to find the missing fuselage - but they have now retrieved the plane's black box. Audio
Four Akl law firms confirmed as seeking crown contracts
8:36 AM.Crown Law has confirmed it's received four bids for the role of Crown Solicitor in Auckland and Manukau. Audio
Markets Update for 13 January 2015
8:30 AM.On Wall Street, investors are fretting about sluggish corporate earnings and falling oil prices so the key indicies are in the red again, both the S&P 500 and Nasdaq down two-thirds of a percent. Audio
Trade Me: peer-to-peer lending a structural shift online
8:29 AM.Trade Me says taking a 15 percent stake in New Zealand's only peer-to-peer lending platform will give it access to a part of the market likely to undergo a long-term structural shift online. Audio
Summerset shares jump after record sales
8:28 AM.Summerset Group's shares rose more than 5 percent yesterday after the retirement village operator reported record sales of 113 new units in the December quarter. Audio
Should more to be done to track returning foreign fighters
8:24 AM.Australia is considering what more it can do to monitor so-called freedom fighters, returning there after training with ISIS. Audio
Wellington first in country to get 'smart' motorway.
8:21 AM.People driving on one of Wellington's busiest stretches of road will have to deal with lower speed limits for the next year as construction ramps up on New Zealand's first 'smart' motorway. Audio
Crash analyst says tests for foreign drivers is a catch-22
8:16 AM.A motor vehicle crash analyst says something must be done to educate tourist drivers, but it's not clear what will help. Audio
Refund all speeding tickets over holiday period - Ron Mark
8:09 AM.New Zealand First's Police spokesperson is calling on the government to refund all speeding tickets given out during the holiday period. Audio
Stopping the summer reading slump
7:53 AM.Teachers and principals want books to play a bigger part in the typical New Zealand holiday, in order to curb the summer reading slump. Audio
Non-religious groups call for NZ blasphemy law to be scrapped.
7:50 AM.Calls are growing for New Zealand's blasphemy law to be scrapped in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo terror attack in Paris. Audio
Fish and Game salvaging trout from dried up rivers
7:47 AM.A looming drought in the South Island has brought a few F words to the forefront, - farmers, fires, and now, fish. Audio
Centcom twitter account hacked
7:43 AM.In the United States, the Twitter account of the country's Central Command appears to have been hacked by a group claiming to back Islamic State. Audio
Morning Markets for 13 January 2015
7:39 AM.The key Wall Street indicies are in the red again, both the S&P 500 and Nasdaq down more than 0.5 percent, as investors fret about sluggish corporate earnings and as oil prices continue to slide. Audio
Harmoney raises $10m from Trade Me, Heartland
7:37 AM.The country's only peer-to-peer lending platform, Harmoney, has raised 10 million dollars from investors which implies the company is now worth 55 million dollars. Audio
Summerset achieved record new unit sales in December quarter
7:36 AM.Summerset Group achieved record sales of new units in the December quarter after opening four new retirement villages in the second half of last year. Audio
Fishing industry critical calling on Govt
7:24 AM.The fishing industry is calling on the Government to stamp out illegal fishing. Audio
France steps up security at 'sensitive' sites
7:18 AM.The fresh measures were unveiled after an emergency meeting called by President Francois Hollande. Audio
Tourism Industry working to reduce foreign driver accidents
7:14 AM.The Tourism Industry Association says few fatal crashes involve tourists, but those that do get far more publicity than those involving New Zealanders. Audio
Police minister requests review of summer speed tolerance
7:09 AM.The Police Minister's ordered a review of how the police promoted zero tolerance on speed this summer, saying it confused the public. Audio
Top Stories for Tuesday 13 January 2015
7:00 AM.The Government orders a review of the police message on speed tolerance. Do we need special measures targetting foreign drivers and France sends troops and police into Jewish schools and synagogues. Audio