One In Five for Sunday 13 April 2008
Mokopuna or Client, Trevor Coleman talks about how he went from being unable to do basic things like shopping, to holding down a job and assisting others. CEO Tuila Tenari talks about her cultural heritage and how it informs her work today. We discuss Maori and pakeha attitudes to intellectual disability, institutionalization, and deinstitutionalization, as well as the unique ways Te Roopu Taurima o Manukau works with adults with intellectual disabilities who have high challenging behaviors, and those designated under the Intellectual Disability Compulsory Care & Rehabilitation Act 2003. Tuila Tenari also discusses how Te Roopu Taurima o Manukau works with another challenged population, clients who can not communicate verbally.
Te Roopu Taurima o Manukau, is a kaupapa Maori organization offering tikanga based services to adults with intellectual disabilities and their whanau. Based in Otahuhu South Auckland, with a range of services throughout Aotearoa. Respite care, residential and day services, whanau support, rehabilitation.