Nine To Noon for Thursday 29 September 2011
09:05 Reserve Bank governor Alan Bollard speaks out about the Greek debt crisis and its impact on NZ
There is growing concern that European leaders are divided over how to handle Greece's debt crisis, and that its problems may spread and trigger a fresh global downtuwn. EU and IMF inspectors will return to Greece today to decide whether Athens has done enough to secure a new batch of aid vital to avoid bankruptcy.
09:30 The Waitaki Golden Oldies Rugby Festival
Eighty-seven-year-old Arthur Pacey, the oldest player in tournament; and Colin Jackson, North Otago Rugby chief executive and organiser of the festival.
09:45 UK correspondent Kate Adie
The Labour party's conference in Liverpool, the state of the UK economy and the death of TV writer David Croft.
10:05 Gwendoline Smith - Agony aunt and breast cancer survivor
One of New Zealand's early agony aunts, clinical psychologist, and breast cancer survivor. Her new book is called Breast Support, Exisle Publishing.
10:35 Book Review with Dan Slevin
Fear Not by Anne Holt
Published by Corvus
10:45 Book Reading: Shingle Beach by Carl Nixon (Part 4 of 5)
A portrait of a family at their bach, told from five different points of view. The location connects them but the perspectives are very different.
Audio will be available here after broadcast.
11:05 New Technology with Steve McCabe
Net neutrality, Facebook's website tracking and Google+.
11:30 Parenting with Matthew Sanders
Professor of parenting studies at the University of Auckland and University of Queensland. He was co-investigator of a major study carried out in South Carolina which found that there were lower rates of confirmed abuse cases, child out-of-home placements, and hospitalisations and emergency room visits for child injuries in countries where parenting support was implemented.
11:45 Film reviewer Graeme Tuckett
New releases Jane Eyre, Abduction, and the Werner Herzog docoumentary Cave of Forgotten Dreams.