1 Jul 2021

Thousands of pacific workers given chance to upskill

From Morning Report, 6:14 am on 1 July 2021

Thousands of Pacific workers in Auckland are to be given the opportunity to upskill for free while at work.

Registrations open today for firms wanting to take part in what is officially titled the Auckland Pacific Skills Shift Initiative.

Pacific people will make up about a third of Auckland's working age population by 2050, but are also at most at risk of losing their job.

To tackle this, the city's economic and cultural agency - Auckland Unlimited - has been given $8 million by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

They want to train 3500 people over four years. Sleepyhead took part in the pilot - 80 percent of workers in its factory are Pacific people.

Its manager of people and culture, Rebecca Phillips, told reporter Amy Williams 10 people are due to finish the course soon.