9 Aug 2019

Justice Minister discusses abortion reform bill progress

From Morning Report, 7:16 am on 9 August 2019

The abortion reform bill breezed through its first reading in Parliament, 94-23, but the Justice Minister isn't under any illusion the rest of the readings will be as easy.

The public will now get their say on abortion law reform. The select committee set up specifically for this bill is women only, but has MPs who are both for and against abortion reform.

ACT's David Seymour will have a more informal role.

In the background of all of this has been Winston Peters' eleventh hour revelation that New Zealand First is now calling for a referendum on abortion.

That decision blindsided both his own MP Tracey Martin, who insists referendum talks had never been raised, and Mr Little who had also been in the dark. On Thursday night Ms Martin visibly struggled to explain the last 48 hours.

Mr Little joins Susie Ferguson in the studio to discuss issues around the bill and the process.