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Morning Report for Tuesday 18 June 2013
Dinosaur bone bed unearthered in Queensland
8:56 AM.Winton-based palaeontologist David Elliott, from the Australian Age of Dinosaurs museum says he now has so many bones it'll be difficult to fit them into his preparation laboratory. Audio
Artefacts unearthed during construction of major Auckland road
8:52 AM.Staff working on New Zealand's largest ever roading project, the Waterview Connection in Auckland, are being asked to keep a wary eye out for archaeological artefacts. Audio
Yacht race organisers front up to ratepayers
8:49 AM.A planned yacht race from Auckland to Bluff is dividing the Southland community, with promoters saying it's all good news, while critics claim the economic benefit has been overstated. Audio
Te Manu Korihi News for 18 June 2013
8:48 AM.A Treaty of Waitangi specialist lawyer says the Maori Land Court will have to learn to work faster; Te Ohu Kaimoana - the Maori Fisheries Trust - says Maori customary rights to snapper will be… Read more Audio
Chch residents need drains fixed to reduce flooding
8:42 AM.Homeowners in the St Albans and Mairehau areas of the city were badly affected, after being drenched in 110 millimeters of rain falling in 36 hours between Sunday and yesterday. Audio
Nelson Tasman region gets stuck into clean up after storm
8:38 AM.Jim Frater from Nelson-Tasman Civil Defence talks about the clean-up going on in the region but warns of the very real danger of slips. Audio
Sports News for 18 June 2013
8:35 AM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Markets Update for 18 June 2013
8:29 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Some Pike River families expected to travel to Wellington
8:24 AM.Many of the families whose relatives died in the Pike River disaster say the relocation of the trial won't stop them watching Peter Whittall stand trial. Audio
Law expert says Scott Guy murder lines of inquiry fading
8:20 AM.The Dean of Law at the University of Canterbury, Dr Chris Gallavin, says the police are running out of major lines of inquiry in the murder investigation of the Feilding farmer, Scott Guy. Audio
25 year strategy aims to transform poor Auckland communities
8:18 AM.The Tamaki Redevelopment is a joint venture between the Government and Auckland Council and over 25 years aims to dramatically improve the lives of communities in Glen Innes, Point England and… Read more Audio
North Otago farmers brace for more bad weather
8:13 AM.Farmers in North Otago will today begin attempting to clear debris and fix damage, after the heavy rain and extensive flooding but as president for the North Otago Federated Farmers, Richard Strowger… Read more Audio
Waitaki region badly hit by heavy rain
8:09 AM.Waitaki District mayor, Alex Familton, tells how his region is coping with the cleanup. Audio
Football violence takes deadly turn in Netherlands
7:55 AM.The BBC's Anna Holligan is in The Hague and has been following the court case of six teenagers and the father of one of them who've been convicted for the murder of volunteer linesman Richard… Read more Audio
Could NZ householders be returning to bad old ways?
7:52 AM.Fears are growing that households are falling back into bad habits of spending more than they earn with Westpac-McDermott Miller's latest quarterly survey finding consumer confidence surging on the… Read more Audio
Chch council will cooperate to get rid of consents backlog
7:48 AM.Christchurch City Councillor Sue Wells is the chair of the planning committee and says the council will work with national government experts to help get through the backlog of consent applications. Audio
Sports News for 18 June 2013
7:45 AM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Mediaworks' new owners now have to deliver x-factor
7:41 AM.Industry commentators say Mediaworks' new owners will be under huge commercial pressure to grow audiences and attract advertisers as it tries to repay the rest of its debt, which may come at a price. Audio
World economy, Syria - top topics at G8 talks
7:38 AM.Leaders from the world's eight largest economies are meeting in Enniskillen in Northern Ireland with top agenda items including the conflict in Syria and the global economy. Audio
Armed seige ends safely in gunman's arrest
7:27 AM.The man at the centre of an armed stand-off with police at a bank in Auckland will appear in court today after he was arrested late last night following a nearly six hour stand-off with police. Audio
Bill English believes manufacturing in NZ is actually expanding
7:22 AM.The Finance Minister Bill English responds to assertions the government has snubbed a Parliamentary inquiry into manufacturing. Audio
Manufacturing report spells out alternative economic approach
7:18 AM.A Parliamentary inquiry into manufacturing spells out an alternative economic approach to revive the sector, but is being snubbed by the Government which says opposition parties are trying to… Read more Audio
Validity of scientific evidence argued at Privy Council appeal
7:15 AM.The validity of scientific evidence has been argued on the first day of the Privy Council appeal by the convicted double murderer, Mark Lundy, in London. Audio
Weather update from the banks of Kakanui river
7:12 AM.River flood waters are receding as the heavy rain starts to ease, but some North Otago residents still face a massive clean up after three back-to-back rain fronts since Saturday. Audio
North Otago wakes to widespread damage
7:10 AM.North Otago and Canterbury communities have been waking to widespread damage from a two-day deluge which has flooded rivers to record levels, isolated communities, and left people stranded. The… Read more Audio
Morning Business for 18 June 2013
6:47 AM.Mediaworks receivers say the company has a bright future, with a significant cut in debt; friends and associates pay tribute to carpet tycoon Tony Timpson, and; a Wall St rebound after last week's… Read more Audio
Sustainability Council appeals against EPA decision
6:41 AM.The Sustainability Council is taking legal action against an Environmental Protection Authority decision that it says will allow genetically engineered plants to be grown in New Zealand with no… Read more Audio
Standoff with armed man in Auckland ends peacefully
6:40 AM.A man is likely to be charged with firearms offences after an armed stand-off with police at a bank in Auckland yesterday. Audio
Wet weather easing, before cold front blasts through
6:37 AM.The wild weather lashing parts of the country over the past two days is expected to continue easing today, before a front of bitterly cold Antarctic air sweeps through the country tomorrow. Metservice… Read more Audio
Te Manu Korihi News for 18 June 2013
6:27 AM.Te Ohu Kaimoana - The Maori Fisheries Trust - says Maori customary rights to snapper will be affected by an upcoming review of catch limits; Treaty of Waitangi specialist lawyer says the Maori Land… Read more Audio
Morning Rural News for 18 June 2013
6:22 AM.News from the rural and farming sector. Audio
Pacific News for 18 June 2013
6:18 AM.The latest from the Pacific region. Audio
North Otago river has been higher, but never so strong
6:10 AM.Locals who live along the banks of the Kakanui River say they've seen the waterway higher but never flowing so strong - after a two-day deluge in the region. Audio