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Morning Report for Monday 7 May 2012
Australian Correspondent - Phil Kafcaloudes
8:56 AM.Phil Kafcaloudes with news from Australia including the budget, Commonwealth games and chilly bins. Audio
Thousands take to maimais as duck shooting season begins
8:50 AM.An estimated thirty to fifty thousand duck hunters took to the backblocks on Saturday morning for the start of the duck shooting season. Audio
Manu Korihi News for 7 May 2012
8:48 AM.The Bay of Plenty iwi, Ngai Tuhoe, says it hopes to reach a settlement with the Crown by the end of this year; The Government won't give a settlement date but did express hope it would be before the… Read more Audio
New Zealand team ends 'Mars mission' in Utah
8:42 AM.A crew of six explorers, including four New Zealanders, have just ended a two-week mission to Mars. Audio
ASB Community Trust grants $4m
8:38 AM.Four million dollars in grants have been awarded by one of the country's biggest charitable trusts in a bid to crack the problem of Maori and Pacific educational underachievement. Audio
Sports News for 7 May 2012
8:35 AM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Markets Update for 7 May 2012
8:29 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Calls for investigation of asset sales in Christchuch
8:26 AM.The Canterbury Employers Chamber of Commerce is urging the Christchurch City Council to thoroughly investigate the possibility of asset sales to help pay for the rebuild. Audio
Conservative Party gains National's attention
8:18 AM.National is leaving the door open to a potential deal with the Conservative Party. Audio
David Cameron's leadership under threat after local elections
8:15 AM.The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, is under pressure to stand up for the Conservative party's policies or lose the leadership, after the party's humiliating defeat in the UK local elections at… Read more Audio
French ambassador says election result 'historic'
8:10 AM.France has elected its first Socialist President in nearly two decades. Audio
Teapot tape cameraman considers his own legal action
7:56 AM.The cameraman who recorded the teapot conversation between John Key and John Banks says the incident damaged his reputation and he is considering his options for legal or other action. Audio
NZ's human rights record under review at the United Nations
7:53 AM.The Government's human rights record is coming under fire from four organisations at a special hearing before the United Nations. Audio
Bert Potter dead at 86
7:48 AM.Victims of the former Auckland commune leader and convicted paedophile, Bert Potter, say his legacy of abuse continues to affect new generations. Audio
Sports News for 7 May 2012
7:45 AM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Yachting NZ may fight end to Olympic windsurfing
7:42 AM.Windsurfing will no longer be an Olympic sport after the London games. Audio
Christchurch people gather to protest earthquake response
7:38 AM.Several hundred people gathered in central Christchurch yesterday to voice their anger at a growing list of complaints about local and central government's response to the earthquake. Audio
Locked-out Affco workers to try to speak to Talley owners
7:35 AM.Locked out and striking Affco workers will today attempt to speak with the owners of Affco,Talley's, for the first time since contract disputes began. Audio
Conservative Party ready to benefit from Act's demise
7:26 AM.The Conservative Party leader, Colin Craig, says he's ready to step in to the space left on the right if the Act Party does not make it to the next election. Audio
How the currencies hold up post European elections
7:22 AM.On Friday the New Zealand dollar dipped below 80 cents against the American dollar for the first time in five months and commentators suggested the European election results could drive it down even… Read more Audio
Small parties make gains on main players in Greece election
7:15 AM.Parliamentary elections have also been held in Greece, where exit polls show the vote to be heavily split, with no party getting above 20% of the vote. Audio
France elects first socialist president in two decades
7:10 AM.Exit polls show the left-wing candidate, Francois Hollande, has secured 52% of the vote, making him the first Socialist president in nearly two decades. Audio
Morning Business for 7 May 2012
6:47 AM.News from the business sector including a market report. Audio
Woman abused by Bert Potter says his death bring closure
6:35 AM.A woman who was abused at the Centrepoint commune as a child says her family and hundreds of other victims are still suffering the effects of Bert Potter's reign of abuse. Audio
Manu Korihi News for 7 May 2012
6:27 AM.The Bay of Plenty iwi, Ngai Tuhoe, says it hopes to reach a settlement with the Crown by the end of this year; The Maori Party's Education spokesperson, Te Ururoa Flavell, says the tertiary changes… Read more Audio
Morning Rural News for 7 May 2012
6:22 AM.News from the rural and farming sector. Audio
Pacific News for 7 May 2012
6:18 AM.The latest from the Pacific region. Audio
Peace activists take NZ to task at United Nations
6:15 AM.Four organisations have criticised New Zealand's human rights record at a UN special hearing in Geneva. Audio
Hollande wins French Presidency - exit polls
6:08 AM.Exit polls in France show that the country has elected a new President. Audio
Top Stories for Monday 7 May 2012
6:00 AM.France elects a new President; Greek elections; New Zealand dollar falls; NZ Conservative Party; locked out Affco workers attempt talks; Christchurch protest; end of Olympic windsurfing. Audio