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First Up for Tuesday 18 June 2019
Who's Up? ACT leader and Epsom MP David Seymour
5:54 AM.As you know, we love to find out Who's Up at this time - and why they're awake bright and early. This morning we're joined by someone who's become just as well known for his twerking on Dancing With… Read more Audio
Life or Death under Pharmac - Part Two
5:42 AM.Life or death under Pharmac. For many New Zealanders that's the reality they're confronted with everyday. Yesterday we began part one of a week-long series hearing stories from people who are… Read more Video, Audio
Biz Bytes - what is a cartel and why is it illegal?
5:35 AM.What is a cartel and why is it illegal? Here's our business reporter, Kim Savage with the answer. Audio
Disputed details over ANZ CEO stepping down
5:25 AM.ANZ Bank won't say whether its Chief executive David Hisco was forced to step down over a disagreement about his claim for personal expenses. The country's highest paid bank boss stepped down at the… Read more Audio